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Scotland Boys Club – Academy of Football

My name is Bobby McDonald, Academy Director, at Scotland Boys Club – Academy of Football. I would like to take this opportunity of welcoming you to the Web Site of one of the most successful Youth Football Academies in the United Kingdom. Scotland Boys Club was founded in 1966 and was one of the first organisations to get involved in running ‘professional’ Academies of Football in the 1990’s. The main aim of the Academy was to establish a bond of community involvement across Scotland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe and eventually and the rest of the World.

Scotland Boys Club Logo

Over those years we have travelled all over the world including such exotic destinations as USA and Canada and have won international tournaments all over the World.

The Academy is not just about finding the future ‘stars’ of Scottish Football but to educate young people in life skills, promote self esteem, develop the youngsters, and promote healthy lifestyles. Although we are supported and endorsed by the SFA and the SYFA, we are independently run as a non-profit making youth football club.

Scotland Boys Club – Academy of Football is a ‘boys & girls’ football club which provides youngsters aged between 5 years and 12 years with an opportunity to participate in receiving weekly coaching sessions by voluntary SFA qualified coaches.

Scotland Boys Club Players

As well as this, provided the ‘student’, as they are appropriately named, are of a level of competence where we feel they can participate comfortably, without any pressure, in non-competitive four-a-side and/or seven-a-side football games, we will indeed provide this facility for them, again on a regular weekly basis.

Should we feel that the ‘student’ has not yet reached that level of comfortableness, then we will continue working with them on a weekly basis through one to one coaching to improve their skills until they have reached the required level of competence. It is at this point that we will provide regular matches for them on a weekly basis.

The Past, the Future, and the Present – Scotland’s ‘Dream Team’

The Past, the Future, and the Present – Scotland’s ‘Dream Team’